DDFC (Pvt.) Ltd. Boilers and Pressure Vessels are manufactured, Inspected & Tested in accordance with the BS 2790/ASME code Section VIII Division I & II. DDFC Boilers which are manufactured according to BS 2790 required third party Inspection with the stamp of the Chief Inspector for Boilers and Pressure Vessels, Boiler Inspection Wing, directorate of industries, Pakistan. DDFC Quality Control Calibrated tools used for the inspection & testing of Boilers & Pressure Vessels. A complete set of inspection data manual for Boiler & Pressure Vessels, (containing all drawings, manufacturing data reports, inspection & test reports, NDE Reports, third party inspection certificates, and all related documents) is handed over to the Customer on completion of fabrication of Boilers and Pressure Vessels.
NDE & Calibration Laboratory:
DDFC (Pvt.) Ltd. Has fully equipped NDE lab where all nondestructive tests such as Dye-Penetrant Test, Ultrasonic Test, Flaw Detection and Radiography are carried out as per requirements of the applicable design code and observations duly recorded. The company has ASNT LEVEL-II authorized personnel in NDE Techniques (RT, UT, MT, and PT) qualified in accordance with ASNT- SNT-TC-1A written practice and National Center of NDT, Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission.
Procedure Qualification & Welder Qualification:
DDFC (Pvt.) Ltd. Is following the ASME Section IX of the Boiler and Pressure Vessels code for the qualification of WPS, PQR and Welders. All weld procedures are prepared in accordance with the ASME Code Section IX and welding consumables meet requirements of ASME section II Part C. Most of our welding is done using semi-automatic SAW, SMAW, FCAW, Manual GTAW and MIG welding.